Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Part 1 of Final

Part 1 Final: Page 54
            You would think it was just a regular day in Los Angeles. It was a sunny morning on a Friday in West Hollywood. I had a meeting with my dad’s uncle who lives in Beverly Hills P.O. Box. I knew my dad’s uncle liked me, but I wondered why he invited me to his home on that Friday morning. It felt like it took me ages to get to his house. I don’t know if it was all the hills that made it feel like it took forever to get there or if it was all the thoughts that I had rushing through my mind.
            I was looking at all the tall palm trees and the green grass and I thought wow this really is Beverly Hills. It actually really is what its like in the movies. I arrived at his house around two and the sun was out and bright. I forgot to bring him something small like a drink or flower. Sometimes it would hurt me inside to see Ned, but I would still have a warm feeling inside because he looked just like my grandpa. I would have that streak of pain rush through my body because I wish my grandpa were still here today. I have pictures with my grandpa as a baby, but what’s the point I don’t remember hm. There I am standing in front of the fancy iron decorated door.
            We were sitting by the pool and I could hear the stream of water falling into the pool. He was asking me about school, but the funny thing was school just finished. It was mid-June and he was curious what I was going to do with my future being that I just finished my high school life. I told him I wanted to work in real estate and he gave me a smile. He was proud of me because, he was real a real estate major. He built his empire off of real estate. I felt like he was there to support me throughout my future, especially support me with the career I chose because I haven’t always had the best male figure around. Earlier in the year I told him how I thought of him as my own grandpa. I used to call him Uncle Ned, but lately I thought of him as my actual grandpa. He took a breath of fresh air and looked at me with his warm eyes. He told me that he wanted to leave all his riches for me. He had a building in West Los Angeles and his home in Beverly Hills P.O. Box. As he told me that my jaw dropped. It was the most shocking incident and I couldn’t even believe that instant. He had children and grandchildren, I don’t know why he chose to give it all to me.

            Ned left for a minute and my eyes escaped into the view overlooking Los Angeles. All sound was blocked out that moment I looked at the view. When he came back, he tapped my shoulder and asked if I was okay. I told him I was fine and we went back into his home filled with Persian carpets and antiques to have eggs and bagels with cream cheese for lunch. While having brunch, he told me that he always had a good feeling about me and how I wasn’t anything like my family. He also mentioned how everything my family did to me was undeserved. I never knew he would understand any of my pain since I’ve always thought has lived such a happy life. I never took the time to figure out the pain he was going through especially when he grew up. I have always thought he was born into happiness and success.