Monday, February 2, 2015

A Fun Winter Vacation

With the cold weather and lack of sunny days in Los Angeles, a person can become depressed. We didn't have much of a winter this year however we made the best of it. We did road trip it to Big Bear where there was snow[.1] . The cold and damp weather seems to make me feel sleepy and tired though. At the same time, winter in LA can be fun, since people can actually go out. While more towards the Midwest and east coast most people are doing something indoors since it’s so cold out. It’s even sunny during our winter days here in Los Angeles. It can’t get any better than 70 degrees on a daily basis.[.2] 

Even with all this warm weather, I did miss the snow.  The family took my brother and I to Big Bear. It was fun to experience the outdoors. The air was so fresh and the sky was so blue. I made sweet hot chocolate for my family and friends. During the day we were in Big Bear and at night we stayed at my family friends house, which was in Apple Valley, twenty minutes from Big Bear. At night, I enjoyed seeing the shining beautiful stars. It was only a two and a half hour drive away from Los Angeles and it was just so different. At night in Apple Valley you can actually see the stars. There aren’t all those lights or pollution blocking the sky like there is in Los Angeles.

After the whole Big Bear trip was over I was back at home. I was only back in Los Angeles for three days before I figured out I was going to Las Vegas.  After five long hours in the car, we finally arrived at the Luxor. Interesting place I might add. My brother is really tall so it was funny to see him run into the slanted windows. We weaved in and out of the hotels crossing Las Vegas Blvd. at each passing. My favorite hotel was Ceaser’s Palace.  No wonder it’s like $500 a night to stay there. We ended the trip with blueberry pancakes and hot chocolate. Driving home wasn’t so bad since I got to sit in the front seat.

I spent the third week hanging out with friends  and going to the gym. I also got all four of my wisdom teeth taken out which wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. It felt good to go the gym after being on vacation for so long and just eating whatever I pleased. All the Vegas buffets were just so tempting. There was a ton of variety of all types of food from Chinese food to Italian. I also loved the variety of the delicious and colorful desserts the buffets had to offer. I didn’t have much pain after the surgery actually. People kept scaring me that getting your wisdom teeth taken out is such an awful experience. It was just an uncomfortable feeling in my mouth because of all the blood.
Overall, I did enjoy my winter break.  I was up and doing something most of the time. I didn’t put my break to waste and I got many things done. The only negative part to my break was the wisdom tooth surgery but otherwise it was a pretty enjoyable three weeks. I do plan to learn how to ski and snowboard one day. Maybe one day I will live in a cold place where it snows throughout the year so it would be nice to know how to ski and snowboard. It was a great time and I look forward to the new year. 


  1. Very good writing, understood the reading throughout the whole way. I would think its an AP essay.

  2. I really like how you described your essay. It was interesting.

  3. Very good format and explanations. Your essay is very interesting to read and well done.

  4. your essay was a very good essay. you had a very good introduction, and the rest of it was also interesting.
