Wednesday, December 3, 2014

EPT Margaret Mead

EPT Margaret Mead
I don’t agree with “We tend to regard the success of people close at hand, within our own small group, as a threat.” I don’t think that success in our society is a threat at all. Other people’s success should be a motivation for us to be successful. Some people are jealous of others success but I don’t understand the purpose of being jealous. Some people may view another person’s success as a threat because they think they may have more competition. Some successful people are just lucky; many of them aren’t even skilled at their job. Or some have just made wise choices. Many people are often successful because their parents are rich and they inherit money.
            I don’t agree that the concept of success is a source of confusion. You have to try out different things and choose which path is the right one. I have figured out my path. I know what is best for me and what may or may not lead me to my success. Most people have common sense and know the difference between right and wrong. If you are the on the right path, then there is a chance you will reach success if you try hard enough. Many adults tell me how they wish they handled some situations differently while they were young. Most people do make the most mistakes when they are young. You can be successful at any age, but I think the best time to become successful is when you are young.
            Many people who become successful or are already successful think that they are superior to others. When you have succeeded in life, you should aim to help others succeed, you shouldn’t be arrogant. The average person has a goal they want to reach. Some people, who were poor when they were young and succeed when they are older, may help some people or many of these former poor people will become arrogant. Since they were poor at one point and become successful it may have become overwhelming and they may show it off but that’s the wrong thing to do. The right thing is to stay humble no matter what.
            It is often that people admire the ones who do the best. Many students are basing success on how well they did with school and not on the quality of who they are as a person. I think that having a good personality is an important factor. Not everything is about looks and how high your grades are. Many teachers or anyone in the school board will judge you based on your grades and wouldn’t care about your personality. A letter grade at many times will define what kind of person you truly are. If you are attractive to the public eye you are more like to get more attention. Many celebrities become famous just because of their looks or just their certain style. Most celebrities seem as if they are nice, but are actually rude and arrogant people.
            People look up to the person who has a higher profession and wish that they had that high paying job. It often occurs that people will say we wish we were that person, but we never act on it. Or, sometimes, we look up to the people who live in a nicer or wealthier community. It is amazing how you can drive towards another city and see how the people look different and how different the settings are. People need to stop talking about all these actions and about all these people who are at a higher rank then them. I suggest that people take advice from others, especially from the people that they admire. It is good to be open to new ideas. It is your choice if you will do that suggestion. People know what is best for their own being.

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