Wednesday, December 3, 2014

"What is an American?"

“What is an American?”
Everyone has their own view on what an American is. To the government its being a United States Citizen. I don’t think that a citizenship or rather a piece of paper can grant you being an American. That piece of people just shows you can live in the United States legally. There are other parts of America such as Alaska and Hawaii but I wouldn’t consider those as being America. When I think of being American, I think of the 48 states located within the continental United States and not the other two parts, Hawaii and Alaska.
            If you think about it our ancestors were immigrants. Over generations we have lived here and called ourselves Americans. The United States once welcomed all immigrants. Every other place that we settled we were strangers. I would still consider myself to be an American especially being that I was born in the United States. Nowadays we deny entrance to people who are like our ancestors. To the people who want to establish a new home and are willing to work. People want to come here because the United States is definitely the land of opportunity. The immigrants that are here, came here hoping for a better life. Many people who moved from other countries to the United States have become quite successful.
            The immigrants that did make it safely into the United States definitely do have many opportunities. Many immigrants who don’t even speak English could make thousands a month doing our dirty work. People come here to work and they help grow our economy.  So I don’t understand why immigrants are always looked at so lowly. Or many times people come to work and make money and send it back to their country. With the money they make here their family could have a better life back home. I think that immigration will always happen no matter what anyone says. We just have to bring in the people who are willing to help and not bring any violence or negativity to our society.
            The United States isn’t all about the fame, beaches filled with surfer dudes and pretty girls or even the hamburgers were known for. Those are just a bunch of generalizations. The media tries to tell people what an American is. The movies make it look like the United States is filled with a bunch of wealthy people who go live a great, happy life .No it isn’t all about that. The United States is a land of freedom and opportunity. I think your life is what you make it. You may be born into poverty or riches but making that change is up to you. Yes, my ancestors were immigrants and so were yours.
            My parents were born in Iran. I call my parents Americans and they consider themselves to be one. Not just because they have granted their citizenship but because they love America and follow the traditions. I would say that my parents are more Americanized than actually being Iranian. My parents have lived over half their life in the United States, so I wouldn’t see why they wouldn’t be considered an American. I was born here in California and I wouldn’t want to change it. I celebrate all the American holidays and appreciate the United Sates. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere but the United States. I am an American and I wouldn’t want to change it.

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